Gold Price Today in Sri Lanka

22 Carat 8 Grams ( 1 Pawn ) Gold Price today in Sri Lanka is Rs. 181,300.00 as on 25th April 2024 . You can buy 22 Carat 1 Gram of Gold for Rs. 22,660.00. 24 Carat 8 Grams Gold rate is Rs. 197,700.00.

Gold UnitGold price
22 Carat 8 Grams ( 1 Pawn )Rs. 179,850.00
24 Carat 1 GramRs. 24,520.00
24 Carat 8 Grams ( 1 Pawn )Rs. 196,200.00
22 Carat 1 GramRs. 22,480.00
Gold OunceRs. 695,120.00
21 Carat 1 GramRs. 21,460.00
21 Carat 8 Grams ( 1 Pawn )Rs. 171,650.00
last updated 1hr ago

22 Carat Gold Pawn Price in Sri Lanka Today

8 Gram1 PawnRs 179,850.00
4 Gram1/2 PawnRs. 89,920.00
10 Gram1.2 PawnRs. 224,800.00
1 Gram0.12 PawnRs. 22,480.00
last updated 1hr ago

24 Carat Gold Pawn Price in Sri Lanka Today

GRAMPAWN24K Gold PriceDifference Of Price Change Daily %
8 Gram1Rs. 196,200.00🔺 –
10 Gram1.2Rs. 245,200.00🔺 –
100 Gram12Rs. 2,452,000.00🔺-
last updated 1hr ago

Last 7 Days Gold Price History in Sri Lanka (1 Pawn) 22

DateCarat 22Carat 23Carat 24
2024-04-27Rs. 22,480.00Rs. 21,389.00Rs. 24,520.00
2024-04-26Rs. 22,480.00Rs. 21,389.00Rs. 24,520.00
2024-04-25Rs. 22,660.00Rs. 21.382.00Rs. 24,720.00
2024-04-24Rs. 20,365.00Rs. 21,431.00Rs. 22,216.00
2024-04-23Rs. 20,499.00Rs. 21,549.00Rs. 22,216.00
2024-04-22Rs. 20,612.00Rs. 22,115.00Rs. 22,486.00
2024-04-21Rs. 21,153.00Rs. 22,179.00Rs. 23,076.00
last updated 1hr ago

Sri Lanka Gold Prices – FAQs

What is the current gold price in Sri Lanka?

As of 2024/04/22, the current price of gold in Sri Lanka is Rs.184,950 LKR per gram for 22-karat gold. It’s essential to note that gold prices fluctuate throughout the day due to various factors such as global economic conditions, currency exchange rates, geopolitical tensions, and investor sentiment. Therefore, it’s advisable to check real-time financial news websites or consult local precious metals dealers for the most accurate and up-to-date gold prices in Sri Lanka.

How are Sri Lanka gold spot prices calculated?

Gold spot prices in Sri Lanka are typically calculated based on international gold prices, which are determined by supply and demand dynamics in the global market. These prices are influenced by factors such as central bank policies, inflation rates, interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and fluctuations in currency exchange rates. Additionally, local factors such as import duties, taxes, and transportation costs may also impact gold prices in Sri Lanka. Traders and dealers use this information to determine local gold spot prices, which may vary slightly from international prices due to these factors.

How often do gold prices change?

Gold prices can change frequently throughout the trading day as they are influenced by real-time market conditions. Prices are typically quoted in real-time on financial news websites or trading platforms. Factors such as economic data releases, geopolitical events, central bank announcements, and changes in investor sentiment can trigger rapid fluctuations in gold prices. Therefore, it’s essential for investors and traders to stay informed about these developments and monitor gold prices regularly.

What was the highest price of gold in Sri Lanka in the last 8 years?

To determine the highest price of gold in Sri Lanka over the past 8 years, one would need to review historical gold price data for the country during that period. This information can be obtained from financial databases or historical price charts. Gold prices reached record highs globally in recent years due to factors such as economic uncertainty, low-interest rates, and geopolitical tensions. However, specific data for the highest price of gold in Sri Lanka within the last 8 years would require historical price analysis.

Why do gold prices fluctuate in Sri Lanka?

Gold prices in Sri Lanka, like in other countries, can fluctuate due to a variety of factors. These include:

  • Global Economic Conditions: Economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and unemployment levels can influence gold prices.
  • Currency Exchange Rates: Fluctuations in currency exchange rates, particularly the US dollar, can affect gold prices as gold is priced in dollars internationally.
  • Geopolitical Tensions: Events such as conflicts, trade disputes, and political instability can increase demand for gold as a safe-haven asset, leading to price fluctuations.
  • Interest Rates: Changes in interest rates set by central banks can impact the opportunity cost of holding gold versus interest-bearing assets, affecting demand for gold.
  • Investor Sentiment: Market sentiment and speculation can drive short-term fluctuations in gold prices as investors react to news and events.
  • Central Bank Policies: Central bank actions, such as monetary stimulus measures or gold reserve purchases, can influence gold prices.
  • Supply and Demand Dynamics: Changes in gold production, mining output, and demand from industries such as jewelry and technology can affect gold prices.
  • Local Factors: Import duties, taxes, regulations, and transportation costs can also impact gold prices in Sri Lanka.
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